About Dr. Nadya
Dr Swedan treats patients of all ages. After a thorough history and exam, healing recommendations such as medications, injections, topical treatments, modalities (cold laser, ECSW or TECAR) will be recommended as appropriate. A physical therapy or home exercise program is always discussed. In order to promote the most effective healing she carefully reviews daily activities, ergonomics and fitness habits. X Rays, diagnostic Ultrasound or MRIs are prescribed if appropriate to confirm the diagnosis. She follows each patient’s progress closely, including a follow up phone call.
Dr. Nadya has numerous success stories of recovery without surgery from injuries including meniscus tears, disc herniations, rotator cuff tears, ligament tears and labral tears. While her talent lies in helping patients heal without surgery, she has personal relationships with top NY surgeons and is able to arrange timely orthopedic care if that is a patient’s choice. She is well versed in orthopedic surgery and supervised rehabilitation after joint arthroscopy, reconstruction, and replacement.
She is an expert on overall fitness and wellness and motivates patients towards better health, addressing topics such as sleep, headaches, blood pressure, stress management, and nutrition. She is also knowledgeable in holistic approaches to healing and is able to offer insight as to pros and cons of a variety of treatments. She treats patients of all activity levels and has a passion for getting athletes back in the game after injury as soon as possible.
Dr. Nadya Swedan is on the medical staff at Northwell Health/Manhasset and Lenox Hill Hospitals and holds an advisory role at Zucker School of Medicine/Hofstra University. Prior to starting her own practice, she worked with two orthopedic groups: Manhattan Orthopedics and Sports Medicine and Orlin and Cohen. Her first job out of residency was inpatient rehabilitation at Northwell Health Glen Cove where she treated joint replacement, stroke, and cardiac surgery patients. She is a graduate of Brown University, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and a PM&R residency at Northwestern University's Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago/ Shirley Ryan Ability Lab.
 In 1998, she introduced the topic of women’s sports medicine to the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation where she was asked to author her textbook. Women’s Health is a focus of hers; she is well versed in bone health, pelvic pain, adolescence, menopause, weight concerns, and pregnancy related pain. Women’s fitness is personal to her: she has 2 daughters who were both high level varsity athletes. She maintains high physical activity levels which gives her first-hand experience of injury and pain issues. Dr. Nadya is author of The Active Woman's Health and Fitness Handbook (Perigee, 2003) and author and editor of Women's Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (Lippencott, 2001). Simple Solutions to Boost Energy, Reduce Stress and Achieve Better Health (Rufhaus, 2020) is a magazine style publication which includes fitness, health and wellness advise for everyone. She has served as an advisor to the Women's Sports Foundation, La Palestra Center for Preventative Medicine, Drive 495, Equinox, Shape and Fitness Magazines. She is an advisor to the Don Monti Memorial Foundation, a CYO basketball coach, and is the on-site doctor for her son’s travel hockey team. She is often cited as an expert for fitness articles.
Fitness has always been important to Dr. Nadya. While her athletic past allows her to relate to patients who are training for an event or have been sidelined in a sport, she has also spent much time in gym classes and can relate to these demands. Her earliest team sport was swimming at age 9 which she continued at a state competitive level until high school. She played varsity doubles on the high school tennis team and rowed at Nationals in the Varsity 8. Throughout medical school she worked as an aerobics instructor and enhanced her medical education with fitness certifications. When she moved to New York, she was an exercise class addict, transitioning to triathlons, even competing in “Escape from Alcatrez.” During her first pregnancy, she was asked to be the medical advisor and model for "Pilates for Pregnancy" (DVD,urbanwellness.com). Sports bring her great joy: she loves golfing with her parents and or son, playing tennis and swimming with her daughters, and jogging and skiing with her husband. She rides her bike everywhere and her favorite social activity is to walk with a friend.